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Dr. Noah spinal health and co


Chiropractor in Biloela / Director of Spinal Health and Co. Chiropractic. in Melbourne

Dr. Noah Aksu graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology with a double bachelor in Health Science and Applied Science (Chiropractic). Noah is originally from Melbourne and is moving up to Queensland to enjoy the tropical weather in 2022! After one year of working with Spinal Health and Co. Chiropractic, Dr. Noah Aksu is now one of our directors at our upcoming clinics in Melbourne!


He is passionate about providing the community with Chiropractic care and advice on health and well-being. 


Prior to becoming a Chiropractor, Noah was a nurse and worked in several areas of the medical field, ranging from small clinics to major hospitals. Noah was exposed to various areas in the health care system and hence developed his experience and knowledge on a broader scale. After becoming a Chiropractor, Noah continued to further develop his knowledge and skills in the medical field so that he can provide his patients with the care and treatment that they well deserve. Noah has a strong passion for tailoring treatments and care to each patient presentation rather than taking a generalised approach.  


Outside of chiropractic, Dr. Aksu likes to spend time reading and cooking. He also enjoys going to the gym, staying fit and spending time with friends. Noah loves going on long hikes and learning new things. He comes from a mixed background, and from that, he knows multiple languages, including Turkish, Arabic, Turkmen, and English. 



Dr. Aksu’s areas of expertise range from musculoskeletal disorders, all the way to pathological presentations. He likes working in a team with other allied health practitioners to get patients the care and medical treatment that they require. Dr. Aksu is continuously reviewing new medical research so that he can provide the best evidence-based care for his patients.

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